Premier - Local Audiologist

  • Cholesteatoma

    Cholesteatoma is a benign condition, so it’s not cancer.  It’s actually a skin cyst where skin is trapped where it shouldn’t be. The ear canal’s lined with a certain type of skin. You have your eardrum that separates the ear canal from the middle ear space, which actually has a mucosa in it.

  • Cholesteatoma of the Ear and Surgery

    It’s actually a skin cyst where skin is trapped where it shouldn’t be. The ear canal’s lined with a certain type of skin. You have your eardrum that separates the ear canal from the middle ear space, which actually has a mucosa in it.


    So it can eat away at bone, eat away at nerve tissues, and even, if left, it can eat through into surrounding structures that are very important, such as the brain.

Premier - Local Otolaryngologist

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